No, it's a clip from a video. The name of the young man escapes me, Jared I think, but the premise is that he suffers various deaths, usually while sleeping.
This is hot as hell. Although me thinks the attacker should have used a larger bag and slipped it over the top of his head first. Imagine being asleep and then waking up to this trying to figure out what the hell is going on. Many years ago a bridge fell in to the Ohio river dumping many vehicles into the water and killing lots of people. One of those who drowned was a truck driver who was sleeping in the cab of the truck while his partner was driving. The driver escaped but was not able to free his friend. Imagine, sleeping and then waking up to drowning assuming that he wasn't killed in the fall. Wish these people could come back to tell us what it was like
The concept is hot, but it's easy to see that this video is fake: how could really suffocate a guy by covering only the bottom of the face and not all the head with plastic bag?
But it's very hot when the killer makes him turn around on the chair and seeing the face of the dead victim with mouth and eyes open in that expression of submission.
Great video but would have been so much better without the boxer shorts.