cadmar has left Johanna's site


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
New year, new conflict.

cadmar has officially left Jo's site after bickering with the mods and admins.

But where will he go now?

Poor cadmar. If anyone still has email please talk to him and tell him he is always welcome here.

:sm (41):

and deadboy please return man, we need you mate
New year, new conflict.

cadmar has officially left Jo's site after bickering with the mods and admins.

But where will he go now?

Poor cadmar. If anyone still has email please talk to him and tell him he is always welcome here.

:sm (41):

and deadboy please return man, we need you mate

What happened ta DeadBoy, PieMan....he was here earlier in December 2008....did he get upset, sumthin' badd happen, he even wrote me here just three wks ago here....what happened??

Oh, and then there is the ongoing Missing In Action "Nanaimo." I did all I could ta find out what happened....did lotsa sophisticated searches for him, made phone calls up there, have been workin'sum possible leads, sum were REALLY HOT.....but......but....

I must say......all have cum ta naught. :(:(:(:(

:sm (20)::sm (20)::sm (41)::sm (41)::sm (41):
I hope deadboy will be back soon....

He is such a good guy!!
OH ARROW...I am afraid we lost deadboy.

I am so devastated I can't talk about it.

Entilzha stud will give you more info in a pm or msn or skype but too delicate a matter to discuss here . :(:(:(:(:(
And why deadboy left CDG? And cadmar to.. (long time ago)
Cadmar wanted to post dead kids. I told him we don't like dead kids here. Then he left and posted dead guys and dead children on K I U M E R. But now he has left them too.

That stinks of bipolar.

deadboy wanted to find a cure because he said he couldn't live with this obsession anylonger and left the forum.

Maybe you will leave us too Opasan and come back again in a few weeks?

:sm (43):

The only stable dude here is JM. Even after I told him to fuck off and called him names he stayed.

Awesome dude in my opinion, that hasn't happened to me before.

:sm (32):
oooh.. i didnt know that, soo is cadmar comeback to us???
Cadmar wanted to post dead kids. I told him we don't like dead kids here. Then he left and posted dead guys and dead children on K I U M E R. But now he has left them too.

That stinks of bipolar.

deadboy wanted to find a cure because he said he couldn't live with this obsession anylonger and left the forum.

Maybe you will leave us too Opasan and come back again in a few weeks?

:sm (43):

The only stable dude here is JM. Even after I told him to fuck off and called him names he stayed.

Awesome dude in my opinion, that hasn't happened to me before.

:sm (32):
I love ya too - meathead!
Actually the matter with Cadamar was the opposite. I posted some dead palestinian kids, and he said that since this forum is of sexual nature he is afraid that is illegal and left.