Biker leathers on CDG on the beach.

Looks like he has full length leather boots on, too.

The posture of his arms, and the configuration of the fabric on his chest, plus his leather pants and long leather boots, suggests he was tied up, straight jacket fashion, with his own light weight jacket, and then tortured to death in an S/M scene that went too far.

Disposal of the body was to dump it in the sea. The sea washes away many sins. The error here was to dump the body too close to shore. Now there are clues. But also photos for us to enjoy.

I would have loved to have been the S. But in my scene, the victim would have been wearing a hood. And I wouldn't have made a mistake disposing of the body.
Hi, since childhood, I love to be killed in leather jeans and shiny jackets in winter. And then they pretend to be a dead boy, and I liked the way my friends later played with my baby corpse. They searched, dragged, stuffed into a sack and much more ...




