Meatpie - I have joined this site for my own personal reasons, and bickering with other members is not one of them. You stated your opinion, and I in turn stated mine. Now you have asked me to explain my reasons for voting for Barack Obama. I would rather not. I simply do not feel as if I need to explain my political affiliations on a site such as this. This site is not going to be my choice to engage in political banter. I want to move on. I would like to add one final observation, however. In the future, when you choose to describe black men as "niggers", do not be surprised if you give the impression of being racist.
You sissies can't even have a decent discussion, pathetic. I asked one simple question and instead of an answer I get nigger shit if I care about America's racial problems.

You brought black people from Africa to be your slaves, no slavery anymore but lotsa gangsta instead :hahahahha:

Newspapers in Europe have published horrific stories about black neighbourhoods in the US, supported with photos especially after the murder of two young Brits by a 16-year-old charcoal gangster.


16-year-old Shawn Tyson has been charged with two counts of murder.
Equally bad things happen in "white" neighborhoods as well. We just do not hear that much about them. And they happen in country after country after country. Some places are just better at hiding their dirty laundry than others, but wherever you go, if there are two or more people, there is bound to be some kind of conflict. Violence does not discriminate; it is an equal opportunity engager. The problem is the media and our society. The media hypes up stories, sensationalizing them and taking them over the top. This, in turn, goes to feeding society’s need for the over-dramatic and the apparent need for things to be worse than they really are. This seems to satisfy some need in our mentality that feeds off of the violence, despair, dismay and suffering happening to others, occurring around our society and the world. When it happens to us; it is unacceptable and we go to all lengths to make it stop. With others, our attitude is much more lax. We make mountains out of molehills; especially in times when there seems to be a lack of reportable news. Not with all things though. With some, we try to jump the gun and paint a rosy picture like with saying the economy is getting better when in fact, things are really no better and have the potential to go even farther downhill.

Whether you like it or not, a Caucasian person calling a Negro person a 'nigger' is seen as racist. I am not trying to make this discussion about race. I am simply pointing out the fact that to some people, it is offensive. Regardless of your intentions or meaning, because of our less than spectacular history with the Negros, it is a very volatile subject in the U.S. and in other locales, even to this day. The United States is not the only country on this planet with racial problems. It is a worldwide blight which is coming to the surface again. Unless we become acutely aware of how our supposedly non-discriminatory actions are unintentionally feeding this parasite, things are going to get out of control and be worse than they were before we supposedly saw the light and reformed. Some way, somehow, it happens. A conflict seems to turn to race when all else fails. For example, if anyone saw Survivor this past week, a disagreement over the storage of rice became about the way Caucasians assume the Negros think and act. It is a very sad state of affairs, but people cannot seem to let things go and our past is coming back to haunt us. Every country is great in its own unique way. The countries of the E.U. for example have a historical and cultural past that we here will never be able to replicate. Life has dealt some countries a much more interesting lot in life than others, but as times move forward, it seems as if the resolve of the citizenry to make the most out of what they have been given is solid to the core. The U.S. is a great country as well. And like all others, it is far from perfect and like its inhabitants, it has its own share of dirty laundry and skeletons in the closet that it would prefer did not get another chance to see the light of day, ever.
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You brought black people from Africa to be your slaves, no slavery anymore but lotsa gangsta instead :hahahahha:

I have no control over the bad choices people made in this country hundreds of years ago. I was not there; I am not a party to it other than by the simple fact that I am a citizen of the United States . The same holds true for every other white, legal, citizen of the United States as well. We cannot be held responsible for something we had no control over and were not a participant or party of. If I could fix it somehow, I would. If anyone knows of a way, speak up. Unfortunately it is a dark part of our history that we have to live and deal with. While not perfect, I strive to see past the outside and worry about what truly makes up a person; what is on the inside. What is in their minds and hearts is what makes a person. Not skin color, height, weight, gender or what have you. If we were more colorblind and more attune to what really mattered, things might be much different. We cannot change the past, nor can we make amends for what has happened. Those that were directly affected have long since passed on. No one owes anyone anything other than the common decency and respect with which we should be engaging all peoples we encounter.
The United States is not the only country on this planet with racial problems. It is a worldwide blight which is coming to the surface again.

I agree, discrimination is everywhere even in countries with long history of democracy like France.

Discrimination in my country is rampant, especially against gypsies.
God dammit - just did it to me again - did a reply for a few minutes about overpopulation and sex and shit and stuff, then when i hit the button , i've been booted out - AGAIN.
Why, Meatpie, is this set up so short time this way on this site????? That's more frustrating than reading all the nasty comments back and forth!!!!!!
Well guys I just spent about 20 minutes typing in a long, well considered response to this thread - and lost the bloody lot when I tried to upload it - I am NOT going to do that again so no comment from me
God dammit - just did it to me again - did a reply for a few minutes about overpopulation and sex and shit and stuff, then when i hit the button , i've been booted out - AGAIN.
Why, Meatpie, is this set up so short time this way on this site????? That's more frustrating than reading all the nasty comments back and forth!!!!!!
You must have been doing the same as me at the same time - bloody annoying aint it
yes, it bloody-well is!!! ah, you Englanders are a hoot!!! i can only ASSUME there's a time limit for this site for some reason. but others seem to have no problem with long, long, LONG replies and posting - unless maybe they do it elsewhere then do that cut/paste crap.
No need to copy/paste anything, I can't believe you are so retarded.

For security reasons after a period of 15 to 30 minutes the forum will log you out automatically so that no one can hack into your account.

You can prevent this by checking the "remember me" option when you sign in. Also your browser must allow cookies.

Even if you don't have the remember me option and submit the post the forum will accept it and post it automatically after you log in.

You can also click the back button in your browser and then re-submit after you log in.

Not exactly rocket science now is it.

We have everything explained in our forum support section. I recommend you take a few minutes to browse to some of the threads in support, we have tips and suggestion for optimal forum performance.

Patience is the key in this world.

I am curious to see your replies and I am sorry they got lost.
I kinda waited to post here, but no, Americans are NOT brainwashed by the media 24/7. That's what the media, especially outside media wants non-Americans to believe. I do think "some" Americans are indeed brainwashed, and some also wants to believe that is the case.

Maybe not directly related, but I remembered one case that shows distrust of Americans against (foreign) media.

There is this county in Ohio, which has been choosing the "correct" presidential candidates for decades. This means if the candidate gets the majority of the vote, the candidate also wins the election. So for GWB's second bid, the Guardian (I think) encouraged their readers to "adopt" the residents of this county and write them letters not to vote for GWB. Result: The overwhelming voted for GWB. This was a sharp contrast from the previous election when GWB won modestly (slightly?) against Gore. The lesson of this story? Americans do not like to be told what to do or how to think.

Sure, some of them are brainless lemmings, but you can't underestimate their intelligence. But this is really hard to see unless you are in this country.
I believe in God and I believe that Jesus Christ is His son. I did not vote for Obama as he was unqualified when he first ran. Since then he has since proven himself to be incompetent. I think it is so funny that his supporters did not support the war in Iraq but now acquiesce to the open ended Afghanistan surge and more recently our involvement in Libya. It shows them for the hypocrites they are. In reference to de Toqueville, he admired American republicanism (egalitarianism and self reliance), and we need to get back to it.

I do agree that our news media is lame; thank God for the Internet and for some good European newspapers though Europe too has its share of tabloids. We need to look after our interests first, balance the budget, cut the debt, and stop inflation before we find ourselves (it is probably too late) transported back to the 1970s. We need another Reagan! Stat!

Obama is history in 2012. But we shall have to rebuild the country.
I do agree that our news media is lame; thank God for the Internet and for some good European newspapers though Europe too has its share of tabloids.

Whoahhh, amazing to hear this from an American. News reports on American TV are often too shallow, even large media like CNN focus more on sensation rather than being really objective and informative.

And sitting in front of the telly all day can really make you stupid, while the internet is more vibrant, people engage in debates share content and can get information from a variety of sources, including graphic photos of dead soldiers from war zones, something they won't show you on CNN.

The one and only american newspaper that I really like is the New York Times, their articles really make you think, reports are lengthy, often provocative but still highly objective unlike CNN.
I believe in God and I believe that Jesus Christ is His son.

I am not criticizing you, and I am merely curious. How do you justify looking at all the dead bodies? I don't know if you fantasize them, but if you do, then how do you also justify what you do? I am not indicating that all necros are morally corrupt. No. But coming up justification based on my belief system is something I still do not have the answer for.
News Corperation is trying to brainwash us in Britain, that's when they are not tapping phones and printing crap in their papers.
It is kind of annoying how people think that just by doing what Reagan did the economy will recover. We live in a very different world we different issues. You think cutting the debt is going to make things better? How can you possibly pay off trillions of dollars in a slugguish economy with an aging population? There is no way out of this situation if we rely on either party. The answers to our problems is looking to the future. We need to mskr huge investments in education such as progressive education. Invest an obscene amount of money in new sources of energies as well as in genetics and microbiology which are the technologies of the future. We also need to rebuild our collapsing infrastructure and replace it with modern and cost effective technologies like vertical farms and Maglev technology. I know this will all be very expansive, but I am sure that if the world sees that we are making eeforts to improve things that actually matter, the world will give us money, after all, they know that if our economy does not grow fast enough, they will never get the money they have already given us back.

Oh, and by the way, we have to stop this ridiculous delusion that we are still the world's greatest power. We have to show the world that we understand the world no longer accepts that only one nation has all the power. We must accept that in this new world, we are but one player among many other players.