Really? I don't remember him, he is new to my collection!

Did someone post him on CDG? I must have missed him.

Could you please give us more information?

- age?
- was he shot?
- name?
- why was he murdered?
"Uma discussão por motivos fúteis terminou com a morte do jovem Cosmo Silva de Araújo, de 24 anos. O crime aconteceu por volta das 05:00hs da manhã deste domingo (12/09) no final de uma seresta que acontecia no povoado Tamarindo, zona rural de Jatobá do Piauí (184 km ao norte de Teresina). O acusado do crime foi identificado pelo nome de Raimundo Carnaúba.

Os dois são conhecidos em Jatobá do Piauí e o jovem morto era goleiro, com passagem por vários clubes amadores que disputam todos os anos o campeonato amador de futebol da cidade. Na edição deste ano, Cosmo jogava pelo time da Passagem do Meio. Cosmo morava no povoado Bananeira, zona rural de Jatobá.

Segundo informações colhidas pela reportagem, o evento já tinha terminado e algumas pessoas ainda permaneciam no local, quando os populares perceberam alguns empurrões entre vítima e acusado. Neste momento o acusado, Raimundo Carnaúba, já corria com uma faca na mão e a vítima já estava caída com uma facada no peito.

Cosmo ainda foi socorrido por populares e colocado em um carro para ser transferido ao Hospital Regional de Campo Maior, mas na comunidade Bom Lugar, na divisa de Jatobá com Campo Maior, foi constatado a morte da vítima. O motorista resolveu parar ali mesmo e até as 09:00hs deste domingo o corpo permanecia dentro do veículo aguardando a chegada do IML, que foi acionado em Teresina.


O evento foi realizado sem a presença de policiais e logo depois que foi constatada a morte de Cosme Silva, populares ligou para e delegacia de Jatobá. O radialista Luizinho Ribeiro, que acionou o delegado, Tenente Fábio, disse que a viatura não tinha gasolina e o delegado precisou pedir emprestado para poder começar as diligências. Somente o delegado e um soldado estavam na cidade neste final de semana e neste momento tentam localizar o acusado que mora na comunidade Batoque de Cima, zona rural de Jatobá, mas se encontra foragido."

I can't translate the article, I only use google tool to guess the meaning.
I could spend a month checking parked cars and never find anything that hot. Thanks for posting the photo.
Using babelfish:

A quarrel for fúteis reasons finished with the death it young Cosmo Silva de Araújo, of 24 years. The crime happened for return of the 05:00 hs of the morning of this sunday (12/09) in the end of a seresta that happened in the Tamarindo town, agricultural zone of Jatobá of the Piauí (184 km to the north of Teresina). The defendant of the crime was identified by the name of Raymond Carnaúba. The two are known in Jatobá of the Piauí and young the deceased was goleiro, with ticket for some amateur clubs that every year dispute the amateur championship of soccer of the city. In the edition of this year, Cosmo played for the teams of the Ticket of the Way. Cosmo liveed in the town Banana tree, agricultural zone of Jatobá. According to information harvested for the news article, the event already had finished and some people still remained in the place, when the popular ones had perceived some pushes between victim and defendant. At this moment the defendant, Raymond Carnaúba, already ran with a knife in the hand and the victim already was fallen with a machete blow in the chest. Cosmo still was helped by popular and placed in an car to be transferred to the Regional Hospital of Bigger Field, but in the Good community Place, in the verge of Jatobá with Bigger Field, was evidenced the death of the victim. The driver decided to stop there exactly and until the 09:00 hs of this sunday the body inside remained of the vehicle waiting the arrival of the IML, that was set in motion in Teresina. CAR OF POLICES OF JATOBÁ WITHOUT FUEL The event was carried through without the presence of policemen and later that the death of Cosme Silva was evidenced, soon popular it bound for and police station of Jatobá. The broadcaster Luizinho Ribeiro, who set in motion the commission agent, Fábio Lieutenant, said that the viatura did not have gasoline and the commission agent needed to ask for loaned to be able endeavours to start them. The commission agent and a soldier only was in the city in this end of week and at this moment they try to locate the defendant who deferred payment in the community from above Plug, agricultural zone of Jatobá, but if finds foragido.

Not sure if it makes it any more intelligible. LOL