
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
In order to help support the site bandwidth and server rental costs, we are now accepting donations from our users. The services provided by the site are free of charge and always will be, the donation is just a way to show your appreciation for the website and help us continue online.

As a thank you, we offer some perks to the accounts of the users who donate. This does not affect the site services at all, and are only a way of thanking our supporters.

The donor status lasts 30 days. The donor privileges include:

  • Secret Room Membership
  • Unlimited Private Messages
  • Full profile customization
  • Full rights to create and mange own social groups, including options to be a group administrator
  • Email notifications of new friend requests and group join requests.
  • More editing options, ability to post and edit polls and others

All transactions are processed securely without revealing any personal information.

Am I to understand transactions via Paypal no longer work?
Ok, do I have to sign up with one or both of these processors before I send money?
And, what password are they referring to?? If I'm using a VISA card, why do I have
to "sign up" with something ,,,again? I thought after I fought through this paypal nightmare,
things would be easier, now this. Can I SIMPLY use a VISA card and send you money?
No need to sign up for anything, just enter yor credit card details and pay securely.

Follow the instrucionts on the page.
The instructions take me to a place which tells me to join something.
There is NO place to simply use a visa card as you said there was.
My God, man, this is soo fucking impossible.
I will send you a pm, there is no reason to freak out.
That was intended as a joke, although paypal do suck.
Hey man, I don't get it why the membership rate and commerce links for this site are buried in a forum thread. I am interested in helping out, but it needs to be more than month to month. Manhunt is good for 6-12 months, something like that. I hesitate to invest money in this site because the commerce piece is sketchy. I wonder if you will be in business next week. What up with that?
Hello headsman, we appreciate your feedback, I think a donation for CDG will be a good "investment" as you put it if you've got money to spare and want more from the site.
And check back the threads - we've been around several years now, hopefully will be round for several more.
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There are various ways, we consider each application individually. You will receive a pm from the forum staff.