Italian drug addict tries self-surgery at home but dies from massive bleeding


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

48-year-old man with history of drug addiction
was found dead by his father in his own house. According
to testimonies collected by the police at the beginning of
resuscitation maneuvers that were performed by a nearby
nurse, soon after the man was found, the subject had
already lost consciousness. The police and the coroner
established that, according to circumstantial data, the man
tried to cut off a vascular neoformation from his right arm
(most likely a venous aneurysm, protruding from his skin),
using a pair of scissors. Because of the unexpected massive
bleeding, the man tried to stop the blood spilling from his
arm with some towels, that were found in different rooms
of the apartment and under the body, stained with blood.

He must have been freaking out at the end, running around hysterically, making a mess of the apartment as he died.
I guess it looked small and harmless until he started cutting it. It must have been a terrible shock for him when it started to bleed uncontrollably.

When i was in my twenties i went to a doctor to get a lipoma removed from my left upper arm. It was big and i was a coward so i wanted to have the procedure under anesthesia but the female doctor just looked disgusted at me and told i was a fagot and not a man. (She should have known... ;) She gave an local injection with Novocain and started to cut but after a couple of minutes she had to run out and get a male colleague to help her finish to job.

Never trust a female surgeon!