"The Noose Network"... Closed


Morgue Intrude
Staff member
Sep 7, 2010
A few days ago I received an mail by the administration of The Noose Network group.

(The noose network is a group from "grou.ps" about hanging fetish, with pics and videos of art, roleplay, real gore hangings, etc)

The title of the message is "banned", and the text says:

Administrators of The Noose Network have banned you for the following reason:

This group is closed. Please visit www.thebreathcontrolnetwork.com

But i go to the page and I can click in "join group", but appear a message:

"The Noose Network will not accept any new members. Please visit www.thebreathcontrolnetwork.com instead."

What a shame! Is a group I like so much and post pics sometimes :( Is the second group I "lost" after worldofmaledecapitation delete all gore pics and only post fantasy. :RIP:
I have been into the Noose Fetish for many years (over 20 years). Sadly there have been so many of the noose groups come and go. Part of it is simply the expense of keeping the site going without trying to make it a pay site and then in the early years it was the fight over extreme images and how some countries were not comfortable with the images. That fight still somewhat goes on today. Not to worry another group will probably come alone soon.
i went to the site today....same here got error when trying to join . :(