Big Morgue Collection 2017 part 2

Good! This is my dream love fornesic medicine.:stroke:
The general public maintains a blissful obliviousness to the existence of such scenes as we see here. They choose not to even think about something so horrible. We need people like Meatpie to deal with it.
Suicide by bicycle

Rare case of suicide using a bicycle. A 71-year-old man intentionally drove into the wall of a house situated at the end of a hill road and suffered an open craniocerebral trauma and an aortic rupture.

The arrow indicates the site of impact in the fronto-parietal region. (b) Fragmentation of the bony skullcap.
Pile of Bandios in the Morgue some showing cock ;)

Oh yes it is, I hope one day I will go through the same procedure.
It is so fascinating and interesting what they will find. At the end knows the person who worked on your body for hours your body better than you ever had.
Each time I look at this photo it seems clearer that the female in charge of the evisceration is smirking. I am going to fire her for inappropriate behavior.
Dead cock leaking cum

Young man who hanged himself came hard and shat himself. Rare photos from a forensic morgue in Russia.

I'm delighted !!!! Excellent photos. I want the continuation ....:drool:
More mixed forensic stuff from Russia
