Watching two friends' noose challenge


Forum Regular
Aug 28, 2015
Midlands, England
Two years ago I took part in a sport training summer camp. And during that fortnight, I got to know two friends Mikka and Luukas. I was in fencing session and they were good swimmers. One day afternoon after training, some other guys in swimming training team told us that Mikka and Luukas would be forced to have a challenge. Me and other boys and girl I knew went to the locker room of swimming team to have a look. And we were surprised that Mikka and Luukas were going to be hanged!

There was a noose randomly tied dangling from the beam of a separated show chamber and a wooden bench beneath it. The swimmers told me that Mikka and Luukas were the top 2 in their team. And they wanted to have a look how strong they were. To measure there "endurance", the athletics guys lent their heart straps to them.

Few minutes later we saw Luukas and Mikka turn up. Luukas was still in his swimming kits with most parts of his body exposed; but Mikka was just in his normal sports wear, with sneakers, shorts and a sleeveless vest. A few more swimmers would be their hangmen.

Mikka asked to be hanged voluntarily. He was 18 year old that year, thin but muscular. Being an excellent teenage swimmer, his normal heart rate was only 45 bpm! After standing on the stool and put the noose around his neck, the other guys tied up his hands on both sides of his body and also his ankles. He couldn't struggle any more. Then the sexy scenario happened: a boy cut off the left strap of his vest and made his left pec exposed. Yeah, a solid chest attracted the girls present! The guy stick his finger into that left brown nipple, saying: "Mikka, I am feeling your heartbeat, it seems you are not nervous at all??" Mikka swore "Fuck you!" But we saw his penis becoming hard immediately. Meanwhile, an athlete attached a heart strap below the lower edge of Mikka's pecs. The monitor showed his heart rate was only 48 bpm.

That hangman went to Mikka again and teased his left nipple one more time, then kicked off the stool. The moment he dropped, he groaned "Ahhh Fuck!" However, he suddenly became quiet and just dangling straight without struggle in the first 12 seconds. Soon he started gasping and his sneakers were vibrating slightly. During this process, his heart rate stayed at 110 - 120 bpm. About 40 seconds later, he became standing still again. Then the guys released him down lying on the ground. But he was still unconscious. That hangman boy said "let's open his arm and check his armpits and then remove his sneakers to see how sweaty his feet are! I guess we will find that he was extremely painful in this challenge!"

The next is Luukas. Luukas used to be in the army during university era and then he was 25 or 26 years old. He was much more muscular than Mikka of course and his chest was so strong that the lower edge looked like a breast. Though older than Mikka, he was a little bit nervous about this challenge. Mikka used his hand jack up the lower part of Luukas's left pec, saying "Mate, your heart beats a little bit fast!" That was right. The monitor displayed 78 bpm, much faster than his normal heart rate 41 bpm.

Just because Luukas was heavier than Mikka, he passed out only 7 or 8 seconds after dropping down. And only 20 seconds later, we released him down. But it still took one minute to wait him wake up!

At last, we asked Mikka did another challenge, that was being strangled laying on the long bench in the locker room. Yeah, he lay straight down onto the bench and then with his arms and legs tied with the bench. It was still that hangman boy to do this job. However, because Mikka had already run out of his energy and strength, once that boy applied force to the noose, Mikka passed out immediately and his eyes were rolling back. He was being strangled for only 25 seconds, then the challenge finished.