Best Deaths Morgue... ready...

Would be nice if you could make some videos "morbidtech" style or
"necrodudes" style as opposed to the strangling stuff and the coming back to life scenario.
Also, older and more masculine actors might be a change, the ones you have are quite good
it's just that the shaved look does get old after awhile.
Vihrmin is right. it's not so much the "death scenes" that this community loves as it is the "after-play". While good, your videos seem to focus the appetizer and then not deliver the main course or even dessert. And the more masculine actors are where the money is... like the ones that Film911 site usually has.
KT, Trevor and Chad are great more masculine looking then lots of the actors they have...that's why they are my favorites...

also the new ones recently posted on facebook Luke and I forget the other guys name...very good looking dudes that are more on the muscular side.