HIV began in the 1920s Congo


Forum Elite
Elite Member
Oct 10, 2008

Evidence released today being October 3, 2014 points to HIV (AIDS)
beginning in Kinshasa, Congo in the 1920s ... most likely by
the native peoples there eating wild jungle primates then
spreading the disease with rampant sex and use of dirty needles
.... who then migrated
onto trains and took it into the larger world:
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I too listen to BBC on the way to work.
They also say that the ratio of men to women was way off, so that means more men fucked each other.
It spread all over Africa for decades, and then that fateful day when that white airline steward brought it into
JFK and to Fire Island, we all know what happened next.
You should never take science at it's word! I go for all of Joseph Megele's staff, given immunity from prosecution, being made to feel snug, in that location in Mary's Land, East Coast. This was the place, they crossed VISNA sheep virus, with human T-cell Leukemia Virus (Htlv1) in 1978, to create the human HIV.
I was told HIV came for a chem weapons lab in Maryland USA. It was suppose to eradicate Gays. They did not take into consideration Bi's and it got away from them :)
HIV was developed by John F. Kennedy, hence his assassination. He developed the virus as a chemical bio weapon against the russians during the cold war. It backfired when John was killed before they could fully administer it to the soviet union. Afterwards the US government decided to let it loose on the population, specifically the homosexual community, because they thought same sex was equated to communism. lol.
Conspiracy theory is fun in debate but probably way off the truth. And lots of straight people have also suffered from aids and hiv so wrong to call it the gay plague. It's probably a natural mutation that evolved in the third world where health and cleanliness were not taken as seriously as they might have been. But I think it unfair to blame anyone for what happened.
There's been all kinds of revelations recently about the history of the AIDS virus. For instance, that poor flight attendant that has been blamed for bringing the disease to the U.S. has been exonerated. It turns out they can prove AIDS was already spreading in the U.S. by 1970. The virus just didn't reach a critical mass until 1980.
That is a disturbing thought for people who pride themselves on their ethnic or racial purity. Having all originated in Africa, we must all have at least a bit of African blood. You'd never know it to look at Prince Harry (unless you consider his gigantic dick, which might be a genetic throwback).