Shame on this whole stupid world


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

Child lies splattered on the ground face first after yesterday's plane crash in Ukraine.

Catastrophic and shameful events are taking place in the world last couple of days have been extremely busy here on CDG lots of horror stories to cover.

Traffic to the site is two to three times
above normal.

Things in Ukraine are out of control but the downing of flight MH17 definately ranks among the most shameful events in human history and frankly one of the most
disgusting crimes we had to cover along with the Boston bombing and 9/11.

Half the world is ablaze because Obama is too weak to stand up to Putin and put an end to his
war games first in Syria and now in Ukraine.

Gaza is also at war...again. We have obtained morgue photos of dead children but a decision has been made not to post out of respect for the families.

If more countries get involved and conflicts continue to escalate no nation will be spared, shame on this stupid world
war is meaningless it brings only pain and sufferring.


Your views?
I've said this before, all mankind is doomed, but given that everyone will die anyways, does it really matter!

War is meaningless, and is entirely the work of psychopaths with the lust for power. They say they want a better life but for whom? Whether it is religion, or good old fashion greed, it all comes down to personal power.

Well maybe someone can bring back the Inquisition so all of us sociopaths can get entertained by public executions. If they come for me I say tie me to a stake naked and burn me alive, at least that way the pain will cleanse my soul, and if they do the job right, there will be nothing left of me but ashes and charred bones which hopefully they will crush to dust.

I agree. This is sick. 80 children were on that flight. It's shocking how many children seem to be pawns in the game of politics. Gaza is another fine example. Sigh....
Shooting down that plane was one of the stupidest acts of war ever. Idiots with far too dangerous weapons.

The anti-aircraft system was not linked to radar data, which means they couldn't tell what aircraft they were targeting.

And it was equally stupid to fly over an out-of-control war zone too.
I totally agree. No offense for religion, but in my opine, human race just cant get ride of cult after WW II , Islam, Socialism, Communism, Nazi, etc.
On second thought, I think the idea of totally removing all human beings from planet Earth is a great plan. Humans are by far the worse parasite on this planet and if they were totally removed Earth would at least have a chance of recovering. It would take several millennium as much of the damage humans have done will keep on destroying the ecosystem long after all humans have died off.

Now just to develop a weapon of total mass destruction that will only kill humans. HUMM? I'm sure Monsanto has something in their labs.

I think the idea of totally removing all human beings from planet Earth is a great plan. Humans are by far the worse parasite on this planet and if they were totally removed Earth would at least have a chance of recovering. It would take several millennium as much of the damage humans have done will keep on destroying the ecosystem long after all humans have died off.

In spite of the obvious atrocities of war (which I abhor), the damage warriors and crazy criminals like Hitler, Stalin, Pol Pot and John Paul II (forbidding condoms in Africa!) do is actually marginal if you consider the total human population. Amateurs! It would take much more drastic measures to reduce the overpopulated world.
The human race has increased in number as if WW I, WW II and all other slaughter parties hadn't taken place at all.

How about a lottery where only one in a million persons is spared and the rest exterminated? There would still be over 7000 people left, enough to secure the existence of humans, and save the planet (I don't advocate this!).

Even then it would take several MILLIONS of years for biodiversity to recover, not just a few thousand!

Let's face it: there's no solution for the vast overpopulation of humans, it's just happening, and there's nothing anyone can do about it.

I'd like to read a history book (or whatever replaces paper by then) written a few thousand years from now (yes I do think such things will still be written then).
Disease or environmental destruction will reduce the human population more than war Soldiers and genocidal maniacs like Hitler and Stalin have never managed to kill enough to halt the upward trend in population
In war the proportion of soldiers killed is at an all time low compare to eg WW 1 but we hear more about it due to media
Obama cannot be president again. This is what they call a Lame Duck president. He is in a phase now where he wants to be rembered for his accomplishments. Its the American system. Obama will not take on Putin unless Putin downs an American airliner.. that would do it. Putin must go. Obama will go , and there will be another American president.Im hopeing for Hillary.. but we will wait and see.
Has it been proven beyond reasonable doubt that Russia even shot down this plane.. As with most of this conflict and almost any other I have found our actions against people to be solely a guessing game.. The first thing people said was "this is PROBABLY Russia's doing".. Probably is not guilty.. It's funny because John Kerry said to Putin it was acting on fake pretext and it was completely hypocritical because the "weapons of mass destruction" crap we fell for in Iraq was fake pretext.

Secondly we we're about to act on fake pretext in Syria saying the Sarin gas attack was Assad's doing and actually by getting the information first rather than just accepting the words of a terrorist we have found that it COULD of been the rebels in a desperate attempt to get the west on side.. Hence why the mainstream coverage stopped abruptly..

Finally Israel and Palestine.. The land that was called Palestine by the Romans not Arabs, The land Jews have occupied for 3,000+ yews.. Land mention in the Hebrew yet not the Qu'ran. Land that the Muslim's riot and terrorise telling people it's theirs yet cannot provide evidence of any sort other that using scare words at people like: Zionist, Nazi, Genocide, Racism to play the victim card.. Gaza wont have peace while they are firing 1000+ rockets at Israel! If Palestine wants peace then Hamas has to go. If it wasn't for Iron Dome the death toll would be the other way around.. Just because Israel has the defence capabilities doesn't make it ok for Hamas to keep firing at it..

Israel uses its rockets to protect its people from Hamas! Hamas uses the people to protect the rockets and themselves.. I am getting sick and tired of incorrect western propaganda.. Lefties that will believe ANYTHING written in a newspaper and treat the words of Islamic extremism as if they were Gospel truth... There are tunnels to shelter the people of Gaza but they contain Hamas leaders and stocks of weaponary not innocent civilians.. The worst thing in this world is not the terrorists but the uneducated morons defending the terrorism through sheer naivety. Believing everything they are told.. Before 1922 there was no debate on who's land it was.. The Muslim's changed the stories and history to suit their own political agenda and sadly millions of idiots have fell for it.

People say to me I am reading from a "Zionist handbook" and I am "hating".. I'm like get a grip you moron, giving facts isn't hatred..
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Events of the last two weeks have been so intense we can hardly keep up even if we post every minute for 24 hours.

Gaza and Ukraine wars, Syria executions but also so many killed in Iraq.