What's up?


Forum Elite
Oct 7, 2008
Meatpie, what's up with the site?
I've not been on for 2-3 days, and there's only 14 new posts. I know we normally go pretty dead (but not in the right way!) at the end of the month when we run out of bandwidth - but it's only the 13th (um, Friday the 13th!?), so why are we so dead now?
Btw, for anyone else who's noticed that even in those 14 posts half the pics aren't showing - looks like SomeImage is down for maintenance, so at least that's not our problem!
Hi DD,

There have been several major problems in recent days, a disk error on our server couldn't be resolved for hours then someimage failed and of course we are bankrupt and cannot provide service to lurkers only elites can log in.

I am not sure how long this situation can last hope we get enough in donations and return to normal soon.
Hope so! Just logging off, may PM you tomorrow
OK, until tomorrow then.

I would also like to inform you that we have suspended our support service due to unknown mail server error.

I can't solve it.


Horrific situation this Friday 13 really brought us a lot of trouble. :sad:
yes I haven't posted anything, even I have a lot of new material. I can log only few times. I will wait until this situation is fixed to post a mega collection

We are working to solve the issues one by one, thank you for your patience.

Our support service is back to normal and we have restored access to our posting users.
Glad there's no Friday 13th this month; let's hope CDG "hangs" in there from now on...