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19-year-old Macela Alves Leite was stabbed 9 times to death.

NOTE: I omitted some photos which do not show her dead body.
31-year-old Maria do Socorro Carvalho de Lima was found dead in her house. Her cause of death was undetermined at that time before the autopsy was taken place. She either overdosed or beaten to death or whatsoever.

NOTES: I know that some of these photos have been previously posted before, however the set is incomplete. Also, I omitted some photos which do not show her dead body.
14-year-old aria Beatriz Souza Santana was shot three times in the abdomen. She later died at a hospital.

23-year-old Maria das Dores dos Santos was shot once in the head to death.

NOTE: I only include photos that show her dead body.
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