Ashyxiated rather than strangled. His motorbike fell on top of him and the pressure on his chest asphyxiated him - but why was he lying on the ground beside his bike with his jeans down?
Somehow strangled himslf climbing in by a window
Another batch - thorough search on 'estrangulado' for last year. I''ve tried to weed out reposts, but there's still a couple.
Some of these guys visibly soiled themselves in the struggles of strangulation:
Lovely lad, died with a bit of wet mess in the back of his underpants. Wonder i he felt it happen, knew he'd soiled himself, thought 'oh no, my killer will pull my trousers down and leave me exposed in my dirty underwear?
Really a hanging, looks like a bit of shit has leaked from his shorts onto floor behind his left thigh
enlarge and brighten him, looks like there's a brown dampness soakig th/rough his shorts
Totally; messed himself, emptied himself into his shorts
Jon, can you work your charms on any of these to show us more?
I do like dirty deaths!
I'd meant to put a 'lasrt month' filter on but forgot, so all dates, hopefully not too many reposts. One with his cock in his mouth - I think after he'd been strangled, rather than he choked on it!
My pleasure!
A few more