Great collection - got any more of their lower regions? I like ~2 too - love that swollen blue tongue. And #8 - the cute guy in the red top. blue tongue and looks like he's soiled his jeans
#8 is the hottest
That is a very nice collection. I notice that of all those hangings, maybe one had a broken neck. That means the rest of them strangled. Someone really needs to go to these country and teach them how to hang themselves properly and with minimal suffering. I wonder if the countries where these hangings took place have any laws against suicide? Maybe someone could open a kind of Wal Mart for suicides offering quality ropes, equipment and poisons.

They could have small private rooms in the back where guys could hang themselves for five bucks and have do it yourself kits so the well healed could build their own gallows with all the extras. Wouldn't it be great to have a gallows with wireless remote control of the drop doors. It could have a built in calculator for determining the drop and weighting for perfect hangings every time. Maybe they could figure out a way to make it self cleaning such as by having a trash bag for the body to drop into when finished. That way, friends and family could join in should they be so inclined. Add the optional crematorium and you can be on your way to becoming fertilizer in no time. You would be the envy of the neighborhood.

cool DKNY
if they knew that when they would get autopsy they would get gutted like a fish maybe they wouldnt hang themselves
Interesting set! But I don't think the first one belongs. I've seen it before, and I don't think that's a hanging. I'm pretty sure this is from the aftermath of some prison riot. If you look, you can see a stab wound or two in the chest.
Nice photos. Any more?

CDG has the best collection of male hangings on the Internet. If you have not yet seen it, look for the 'Hanging' thread - usually on first page or 2 (because its so popular) - or 'search' for it. Ask again m8 - if I have misunderstood.
Don't forget the Hanging group: couple of hundred pix and counting. It's easier and quicker to search than the thread(s). I always encourage people to add the best hanging pix to the group. I would add them all myself, but I figure it's up to the original poster to contribute if he wants to. :))))))))