
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

Unbelievable screenshots from a new video show a stark naked lean guy hanged upside down on a ladder butchered like a pig in a slaughterhouse.

Watch a short clip from the full video available for download only to our elite users.

Once again like the Boston bomber morgue photo we are one of the first websites to post this video online.

Become a premium member and download the original video in good quality the guy is alive when they begin to cut him.
Oh yum. That's so hot. Although I wish they kept his head on and kept him alive as long as possible... Screams... watching your limbs get chopped off... and why does he still have his cock? I still think back sometime last year when the narcos released a video of a guy they were castrating on live cam. He was wriggling and screaming... made for a great jerking off video :)
Cock & balls remain untact during the entire procedure, butchers definately not gay.

Hi - all the replies are appearing cut off and in their own little box - like in the attachment pic. It's been this way for a couple of weeks now.... Can anyone help?
Jeezus, this is pretty rude. Cool, though!! Love that they hang him upside down and hack off his head so that he bleeds out like a poached stag.
I know that Starrider mentioned the removal of assets, but with few exceptions these guys seem to be beheaded, their limbs taken off one by one, but they are left with their jewels intact. I can't think why, unless it's to prevent them getting lost until it's lunchtime.