Thai Body Farm


Former Lurker
Oct 7, 2008
The Planet Earth
A body farm is a research facility where human decomposition after death can be scientifically studied in a variety of settings. The aim is to gain a better understanding of the decomposition process, permitting the development of techniques for extracting information (such as the timing and circumstances of death) from human remains. Body farm research is particularly important within forensic anthropology and related disciplines, and has applications in the fields of law enforcement, medical examination and crime scene investigation. There are currently three such facilities in the United States with the farm at Texas State University being the largest.

Either that, or they are cannibals.

looks tasty ;o
Great thread. Never heard of such "research facilities".

Basically what they are doing judging from the pics is cutting up dead guys.


How does one apply to join these research gropus?
Bleh... Kinda looks like they forgot to refrigerate him first...

Hard to dissect cold frozen things. They should save the meat to cook for lunch after. :(
Body farms.
They let dead bodies just decomp and study them.
Then sometimes introduce varibles to the setting {Rain, Moisture, Cold, Insects, Etc}
They're supposed to simulate murders and dumpings, why are they dissecting him? I know sometimes a body is cut up to hide evidence but they're being so meticulous.
Maybe to see their cute insides?
looks like Sunday night roastered chicken dinner and the family if fighting over the carve it.
heheh (ruin anyones sunday night yet?)
No roadkill not yet xD
Near my home.