Add me to the list... I'd do anything for someone to snuff me out.
I'd like to leave how it's done up to my executioner... I'd enjoy them telling me in detail what they are going to do before doing it.
I'd quite like something fairly slow so I can watch my killer(s) get off on me dying....
im interested in being this group's killer. PM me if you want to go forward.
Hmm, it seems there are lots of guys out there just waiting to be snuffed. Me too. Take some hot stud and have him thrust his meat down my eager throat. Push down deep, don't let me breathe - let him take his time, let him spill his seed - let me drown in it... take me down... fuck yeah.
And BTW, I love life too. This is pure fantasy... but on the other hand...
I want to be snuffed for real. Hanged, beheaded, or cooked and I want to be sacrificed to Satan. Anyone looking for real, contact me. Ready now!
Would like to hook up with a group - get my guts washed out - a shaft planted deep in my guts - ripping them, so I am bleeding - then get fucked - as my executioner cuts my belly open, and pulls out my guts -

I watch my guts come out - touch them - and am getting face fucked / ass fucked as I bleed out and go cold -

Others in the group are snuffing each other - and there are a few suicide devices available for the last of the group to 'off' themselves.
It'd be funny if some of these dudes are actually dead now, cause, police investiagtion n all that jazz
NICE! How do you dudes want to be snuffed? I may wanna join you, or maybe do you guys and then give you the snuffing you want.

Knife, gun or arrow to the chest for me. I get to the Midwest a few times a year... S. Wisconsin. Where are you?
It'd be cool to be apart of a group as an observer/assistant executioner.
If you do this again you should totally make video :party beer:

I have an extreme BATS fetish! If I were to be snuffed it would have to be getting burnt at the stake nude. I think about that a lot and have been tied to a stake nude with a fire lit under me several times. Once I was convinced that they were going to finish the job. Talk about intense!

I've had second and even third degree burns from these games more than once. I reveled in the pain, but I hated the healing.

I'd love to meet a guy who genuinely wanted to be snuffed.
It's the ultimate gift. I do fantasize about sharing those last intense moments with a guy who willingly suffers the agony of death for my pleasure.