Dogfood said:
"Why do fat hairy disgusting old guys constantly hit on me then when I go to gay hangouts or even when I post my pics on dating sites? >.< I'm cute and skinny but I'm no Queen and never will be. I'm also pretty strong and could viciously rape and eat you. rawr!"

And exactly how many years before YOU become an old fat hairy disgusting guy?
Have you calculated it?

Do you think you'll stay young, supple, lithe, and attractive forever?

Some day, naive young self-centered guy, you'll remember those words you wrote.

From an old, slim, sexy guy,
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And once again, people from Asia are .....short and hairless.

Most are thin yes because they don't have enough food because they are so many!

What a series of ignorant generalizations!

My favorite guys are tall, hairy Asians, and here in my area of Thailand we have plenty of them...dark, sexy skin with plenty of hair in all the right spots (happy trail, mid-chest, etc.). Most of the guys I'm attracted to are over 6'.

Furthermore, most are thin because they don't have the disgusting eating habits (high fat, high cholesterol) of most westerners. I'm Caucasian but live in Asia. For every candy bar I buy, my Asian friends prefer a piece of healthy fruit. Go figure.
Like a lot ... these guys would look good with some bulletholes in their smooth chests.
For a long time небыло new photos who can that will add new photos
Asian twinks strangled to death in their bare feet...? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!
Ohgodohgodohgod HIS FEET!!! Ohhhh.... Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh!! OOHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!