Welcome, reallylooseboy.
Hi. New to the site. Looking to explore real time with like minded sadist

:hat: hey maskyman - :welcome colour: to CDG - we also have a section for advertising to make contact with CDG members with similar interests.

Enjoy the site :yes:
Welcome new members and happy new year!
Im new here my self, for the longest time iv been using traditional ways(unfiltered bing search because google is removes images due to its popularity) to find male pics. then on the first page of the form i find a high quality pic that far outranks those in my collection. All and all im here to stay.
Hi all, a very belated hallo. Have been lurking around for a while and should way before now said hi and what a great site.

Hello everyone, fantastic site and great collection of pictures. Looking forward to going through it in detail.
Welcome, mkrft60.