Ad by Matt

Welcome armeo, sorry we still don't know how he died. Funeral is today, in a few hours.

Thank you or rumeres anything, will save his aunt in the fcb said. that the more his death porbale aya been death sudita.
Thanks for the link. We can now announce offical cause of death.
Wow, I didn't realize being a gay porn model makes that much money. I can see why the straight guys would do gay porn as they get paid much better than being in straight ones where the female is the focus of attention...
:5 stars::fast anal:Oh, no doubt someone enjoyed him privately at that funeral home, he died on Monday, it's been a whole week!

He was triple penetrated if you ask me, who would miss on a dude like him, after all CF models don't croak every day, this is prime beef!
heeey! is that him? where fo you get it?
Crpbin Fisher [asters their name on all stills of their models unfortunately - still want to know the causes of death.
I would love to pull his pants down in his casket and leave a parting gift in his sweet ass.