unbelivable to get this pics, I think they are soldiers from Serbia!?

Dudes are Macedonian soldiers and policemen, killed in hostilities with ethnic Albanians.

I also jacked very hard, esp to Igor.

Thats the dude with the shaved head and bullet in skull.

Igor was one of my early internet dead guy crushes. :sm (60): Stark naked, dead young fit guys... who could ask for more? Thanks, Meatpie.
Igor is so fine! U know that nurse had to check him out. I wonder what thoughts were going through her head while she was measuring that kid!
There is one more pic of Igor, completely naked and stiff on a morgue cart.

Unfortunately I have lost this image.

Please if anyone has it, post.

He is stark naked, image shows him from head to toe!

Please guys, deadboy anyone ???
Very nice for you I'm glad. So now go and play with the other little boys. Because we are big boys want to play alone here without you.