
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008

Today is the longest day of the year for the northern hemishpere, perfect for mountain biking and other outdoor activities.

Thousands of people are gathering at Stonehendge.

How did you spent this special day?
I spent it in an air conditioned house. Did the people gathered a Stonehenge offer human sacrifices again? I can't seem to find the pay per view channel for that.
Did the people gathered a Stonehenge offer human sacrifices again?

Not now but in the past it must have been the most exciting day of the year for gay necros.

LOL. I did same thing. Stayed in air conditioned house or truck.

All day? Is it really that hot?

Was at work

Not very exciting, yeah.

I had a crazy day yesterday, at 8 in the evening just as the sun was setting I went biking like crazy and climbed ontop of a hill park overlooking the town, it was a beautiful scene, then I went downhill for several kilometres there wasn't a living soul around, I so hoped I would meet the young dude I spent New Year's with, I know his house and I so wanted to see him.

I passed their house slowly with my bike and was disappointed as there was no one in sight, I decided to go home....

But then someone a few houses downhill screamed out loud

"Hey, don't you fucking recognize me anymore"


It was Marian, 16 you tall dude, I am his Godfather and held him as a baby naked.


He had shaved his head and was even more gorgeous, t-shirt and baggy pants.

I got hard, we chatted but then a 2 yo boy came up to us and started begging


He pointed his finger up towards a cherry tree above our heads.

"Not now, go back to your mom now," Marian said.


2-year-old was so stubborn Marian jumped up and grasphed a branch so that he could get cherries.

:hahahahha: He is very tall and he stretched out in the air, I loved it.

The 2 yo baby dude who celebretaed his second birthday on June 20 put a huge cherry in his mouth, couldn't chew, cheery was bigger than his mouth but he was satisfied.

:hard lol:

When I got home I told mom and she burst out laughing.