Thank you, thank you so much. This dead boy is so beautiful, arms outstreched, smooth cock and balls....if only his face was turned towards us and his dead eyes open. I love to see his corpse bloat and rot. I'm cumming to this pic.
wow nice pic...i wonder what happened to all these guys to have them all end up in the morgue at the same time...that's alot of dead guys to die all at once...and poor guys jus a dirty horrible place to be they deserve a nicer and cleaner place!
Thanks for these pics guys - I would have loved to have been there taking pics and having unfettered access to the bodies. I guess there must have been hundreds of flies buzzing around to annoy everyone though.

BTW, I suspect that the lad in the foreground with his legs crossed must have been quite young as he has almost no pubes around his cock or under his arms. Makes you wonder why/how he died.
all i can say is, what a waste of all that meat - i mean, feet - i mean..........damn, makes me wonder what i'm making for dinner tonight!
Seen these before... Several guys with 'angels lust' (post mortal erection). Rare, very rare! Treasure these pictures.