
Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Fit hairy bods, couple of hot foot shots and lots of dead guys from new absolutely lame "drama" the Eagle dedicated to brave dudes back in the days of the Roman Empire.

Those first 2 pics are prime meat! Thanks for the pics
Great photos. But ancient Roman males, especially solders, weren't very clean cut. Most have thick, curly body hair. They smell horrible because they believe that body odor is empowering. Their idea of bathing is using a blade or sea shell to scrape excess sweat and dirt off of there bodies. Some of them save the nasty stuff and sell it to a perfumer. Maybe that's where Old Spice comes from. Its pretty disgusting.
The Romans built baths wherever they went so we can argue about the level of hygiene. There is still a Roman bath with hot mineral water where I live and it's functional.

No doubt Roman soldiers were sweaty and smelly but that doesn't mean they didn't want to have a bath and stayed dirty on purpose so as to look more virile, no I disagree with that.
Ancient Roman males, as long as they're hairy and dead, can be as clean or as smelly as they want. I'll take them either way.