
  1. Art Of War

    CDG Theme Song:- What Should It Be? You Decide

    CDG Members, What theme song(s) best describes CDG? Any suggestions? (Please submit videos as answers) How are my 3 suggestions to start the ball rolling. 1. I Want To Do Bad Things To you 2. Let The Bodies Hit The Floor 3. O' Death
  2. yourtrophyhead

    New Guerrilla Thriller Trailer

  3. phyzzique


  4. J

    Thriller makers offer

    I was looking at buying one of the thriller makers DVD and I've been looking around for the first and second one does anybody know where I can find it thanks
  5. F


    Does anyone have videos from psycho-thrillers?
  6. Tecpatl

    chat room serial killer

    Stills from the movie "Open Cam" a thriller about a serial killer targeting gay guys in a chat room and killing them online.
  7. P

    In morgue

    :heart love::heart love::heart love: Shot by police 21 year old in morgue table. :hearthrob: If you tube delete, take this link. :totally hot::totally hot::totally hot::totally hot::totally hot::totally hot::totally hot::totally hot::totally hot::totally...
  8. Beuen

    Rupert Penry Jones from Spooks

  9. Meatpie

    Cadmar's Forum Closes Down

    A message has popped up on cadmar's forum notifying users that "with the greatest of sadness we will be closing down". :retard: Oh man, where now for Opasan, Bachi, necrohomo and the others who hate CDG? Keep in touch via email? :aha: Today is the happiest day of my life, CDG will now reign...