Recent content by Wormmon2006

  1. W

    Bearded Arab Quickly Beheaded

    Gotta applaud the guy for taking it like a champ.
  2. W

    Beheaded Man Has Tuff Hide

    .... Does this chuckle-fuck not know about the rib cage?
  3. W

    Daddy Before and After

    Nice. Wish there were more pics of him.
  4. W

    Fit 43 yo Jose Carlos da Silva Executado

    Handsome daddy
  5. W

    BodyBuilder With Nice Cock

    Nice. Wish there were some better angles.
  6. W

    muscular man with killer abs

  7. W

    Suicide video of a husband left by wife for his best friend

    Jesus christ, he killed himself with his kid present?! God, I feel bad for the kid; he’s going to have some hefty scars as he grows up...
  8. W

    Bathing a Dead Arab in Morgue

    Not a bad daddy. Rather cute.
  9. W

    Strong Chinese male

    Excellent collection.
  10. W

    Hanging Collection [Part 1]

    Sweet jesus!
  11. W

    Daddy Arab

  12. W

    BRAZIL (Uncensored) Prison Riot aftermath!

    Nice. I find there's never enough love for headless corspes; the focus always seems to be on the head.