Recent content by Waterdeth

  1. W

    Dead guys of Facebook [Part 1]

    Hell yea.. love those pics. would love to see him get hard and bubble up.. (glub… blub..)
  2. W

    Help I can't swim.. Blub.. blub...

    I'd be willing to help you find out!!
  3. W

    Online Roleplay?

    still looking for someone into phone drowning. would like to skype in a tub maybe.. thoughts?
  4. W

    Help I can't swim.. Blub.. blub...

    i could get into watching you beg to be rescued. it feels better to inhale....(blub)
  5. W

    Drowning Collection [Part 1]

    Looks like he had a weight tied to his hands. Nice crotch as well. would have loved to see him blub up
  6. W

    What's your weird fetish?

    Hot cocky guys who are complete dicks on the street. Or body builders in the gym completely Heterosexual muscle guys that get pushed into a pool or lake and can't swim. then they beg me to rescue them and even offer sexual favors when they are rescued.. only to not be rescued. I offer them a...
  7. W

    Help I can't swim.. Blub.. blub...

    some pics of a beautiful chub drowning
  8. W

    Who drowns first

    You are getting ready to be tied to a guy who can't swim. You are not a strong swimmer, yourself, but you can hold your own. This guy is going to be handcuffed his legs to your legs you are face to face with him. There is no real strategy to this. The drowning man can easily hold you under and...
  9. W

    David and the Cage (Drowning Story)

    Great story. I'd like to hear more from you. Love a good drowning story. Do you think that all guys just drown quietly. or lots of bubbles as they inhale that final fatal watery breath. Blub.. blub...
  10. W

    Cyber Drowning

    Yes! Cyber drowning is great. Skype drowning is better hit me up!! (Blub...glub)
  11. W

    Help I can't swim.. Blub.. blub...

    Where are my Non-Swimmers. I need to play with guys who are not strong swimmers or can't swim. I get into watching you drown or helping you drown by teaching you to swim. I get into lycra, speedos, underarmour and would love to skype chat or roleplay. I have an amazing imagination and seeking...
  12. W

    real snuff?

    I'm a big fan of non-swimmers. I have a fantasy of luring guys on craigslist with a speedo fantasy. I'd find out how good of swimmers they are in casual conversation. I find that not a lot of guys are good swimmers. This is unfortunate since I live on a lake. I'd take him on the boat for a well...
  13. W

    Forum Members Playing Dead

    during my drowning