Recent content by jaclarke

  1. J

    Sleeping Asian guys

    The second last guy in the video is hot!
  2. J

    Officers Ambushed and Killed by Arrows

    How 'bout another mad man working at the morgue who plays with and molests the corpses...humiliating these fallen officers even in death?
  3. J

    Hot Asian warrior totally dominated, destroyed and owned

    Hot scene from 'Dragon Blade' where a hot Asian warrior (Choi Siwon) is totally dominated in a sword fight, loses an arm, and then brutally killed. Fight starts at about 1:50.
  4. J

    CTU SWAT Team Ambush

    I luv your artwork and stories...would you ever consider scenes where the dead CTU men are used as sex toys by their killers as a final humiliation? or scenes where the CTU men are dismembered or decapitated? would luv to see these hot dead officers being molested and humiliated
  5. J

    Cute Taiwanese hunk tortured in the film "The Tenant Downstairs"

    Anyone have a link to this movie?
  6. J

    why i can't stop playing video game

    what's the name of this game?
  7. J

    Hot Young Chinese Guy stabbed to death in the heart

    The dead Chinese guy plays a cop....the name of the actor is Baby John Choi
  8. J

    Roleplay Montreal

    hey, saw your ad for roleplay in montreal... what type of roleplay are u looking for? I visit montreal regularly (once a month at least) and would be interested in hearing what type of roleplays u fantasize about send me a pvt msg and we can discuss ur fantasy in greater detail
  9. J

    Toronto or Montreal Roleplays?

    bdsmer....e-mail me directly to discuss details...
  10. J

    New series on FX 'The Americans'

    what episode was this from?
  11. J

    Toronto or Montreal Roleplays?

    32yo Asian here looking for playmates who are into roleplays....luv scenes where the victim is "knocked out" or "killed" and his body is then toyed with by the killer... Open to player the killer or the scenes where the victim is a cocky, arrogant, hotshot, STRAIGHT guy in a...
  12. J

    Seeking roleplay buddy in the GTA

    In Toronto...looking for a victim to own and use...Asian here...if interested, contact
  13. J

    Bayonet killing in SPR

    what movie was this from?