Recent content by HungryMan

  1. H

    Teen Dismemberment

    He looks delicious, shame cute criminals can’t be used for food
  2. H

    Fantasy Scenario 15 (another skater bites the dust)

    So hot! Should have taken the skin win the tattoo off it when it was still alive
  3. H

    Hi - Anyone else into torture

    Biggest fantasy is to let a naked teen boy loose in the woods and hunt him. When I catch him I'd keep him caged and rape him and brutally torture him. When I'm bored I'd skin his young body while he's alive, then grill him.
  4. H

    Torture Stories

    Nice! I'd love to hunt, then torture a guy before I skin him alive. Then I'll have worked up an appetite so I'll have to feast on him :)
  5. H

    no limit victim here

    I'd love to slowly skin you before grilling that delicious body on an open fire!
  6. H

    reaction to his demise?

    I'd love a chance to keep him in a cage for a bit, rape him and fatten him up before the slaughter. And when the time came to butcher him alive I'd love to watch
  7. H


    So hot! Wish we could see him slid into the oven to cook
  8. H

    Your ULTIMATE desire

    I would want a guy, early 20s, average shape. I'd keep him as a pet, in a cage. Rape him,train him and then slowly fatten him up. When he is plump enough it's time for the slaughter! Serve his ass up on the table
  9. H


    I 100% would try it. Keep a guy in a cage, train him up, get him good and I'm hungry just thinking of it :p