Recent content by gayforitxvideos

  1. G is back again...

    Fuck yeah! I love this blog. ;)
  2. G


    I'd like to playing death with you bogdan777 :) I'm from Poland too. I tried to leave you a message but you have a locked box. Delete message because you have too many of them. and if you like, speak to me. or write to my gadu gadu: 38614535 Napisałem też wiadomość na Twoim profilu tutaj i nie...
  3. G


    I wonder is there anyone from Poland? Czy jest tutaj ktoś z Polski? Chętnie poznam. GG: 38614535 Pozdro
  4. G

    Great real chroloroformed videos

    very hot!!!
  5. G

    HBWL and Boys Lights Out

    I'm also interested. Thank you very much
  6. G

    Is there anyone from POLAND? :D

    Więc witam, jestem z polski :) dokładnie wielkopolska, a Ty?
  7. G

    Knockout and Bound

    Unfortunately my old account doesnt work too