Recent content by francosalo

  1. francosalo

    Roasting human for real?

    it has always wondered if these pics of a cute soon-to-be dead guy being roasted alive were real or just a manipulation. Maybe someone has more info about them, background and such? In any case, what a great way to go - you're not only providing a great writhing death-show for your executioners...
  2. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    it is really sorry for having forgotten the others also interested in the true form of fucking a slave.But it is at the moment in an act of transformation, i.e. finally becoming the slavething it has always needed to be for its Superior Master Joseph. If anyone should be interested, this thing...
  3. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    Thanks, exalia43, nice to hear that someone else "loves" it, too. Just wondering, do you enjoy it as an observer, executioner or victim?
  4. francosalo

    Human Turkey

    Since i'm new and haven't perused all forums i can only hope that this hasn't been posted before. But my real question is: is this real? i can hardly believe it, but even knowing of photoshop wizards and such it seems rather real (or perhaps it's wishful thinking :drool:?) In any case, hope...
  5. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    Yes, of course. And i guess that in the famous incident when Vlad impaled hundreds of people to shock off the Turkish army, successfully, by the way, he didn't take such care. Though one can be sure that enough of them lived long enough ... But usually, as far as is known, he employed the method...
  6. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    Thanks for the welcome, Snerdguy. i'm sorry to say, but regarding suicide you got it wrong. i'm not planning that. What i want is execution. And yes, i know that role play can be exciting. Been there, done that. Yet, to know deep down that in the end it will not be "the end" has always been a...
  7. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    Don't worry, i'm not suicidal. At least not in the sense that i'd kill myself ;-) So, until i find my impaler, i'll enjoy life!
  8. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    Well, how to begin? First of all, of course i know that impalement will be lethal. That's the way it's supposed to be - after all it's a method of execution, isn't it? So am i afraid of dying? Yes, i guess so, like everybody else. Then why would i want impalement, respectively execution...
  9. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    Yeah, i know. And i also know i'm more pervy than most can imagine. Still, i know what i wish for and whether that wish will come true or not is up to the future. Till then i'll enjoy this forum and the snuff of others :-)
  10. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    Thanks a lot for the welcome. As for "fantasy": of course, it is. At least for now ... But, should i actually find an impaler - well, sometimes reality surpasses fantasy. Don't get me wrong. i know that the reality of impalement (or any other kind of gruesome execution) will be nothing like...
  11. francosalo

    Perverted and loving it

    i'd just like to introduce myself - well, at least, as far as my obsessions go. Well, believe me, they are violent ones. i love snuff and especially the most painful ways to get there. The olden ones were rather adept at such means, crucifixion, of course, being the most famous one. But let's...