Recent content by EpicEpoch

  1. E

    Autopsy video of Michael H. Hill in 1995

    This is an amazing find. Thanks.
  2. E

    Amazing Russian Hipster Beheaded Over A Girl

    Wonder where the head went.
  3. E

    The young guy for the sake of this video lost life, it is a pity for the guy

    Looking at the first few frames of the video, you can tell he had a cute butt. RIP
  4. E

    Guy getting chloro-ed

    I've been looking for the full video for a long time. I had parts, but the file names were gibberish so I didn't know who made it or who was in it. THANKS!!
  5. E

    Dead soldier from the Azerbaijani Armed Forces - TALL & FIT LIKE AN ATHLETE

    *sigh* Out comes the wallet again... :O
  6. E

    OFFICAL: Corbin Fisher model Matthew Bremer croaked from overdose

    I remember him, he was so fucking hot.
  7. E

    Drowned, shot, stabbed mix collection

    Great thread. :D Lots of high res pics here, thanks.
  8. E

    Absolutely handsome young Guy Dies with Legs spread

    That's it, I'm getting back into the secret room. :D
  9. E

    Military man in the morgue

    Very handsome with nice tattoo.
  10. E

    Latino in the morgue

    Latino American being examined in the morgue.
  11. E

    Hot dead biker

    Hot indeed. :drool:
  12. E

    Young naked men dead in bed

    Oh so hot. :D
  13. E

    The Talk hot strangle!

    Wasn't there a sequel to this as well?
  14. E

    Dead naked pilot

    What country was he a pilot for?