Iceland Volcano DORMANT since 1820 .. why now?? Is it because of HAARP?????


Forum Elite
Elite Member
Oct 10, 2008
This volcano deal is no small deal. It has been totally DORMANT since 1820 and now this mega eruption, with all the other "natural disasters" that have been occurring lately as in huge earthquakes, hurricanes and tsunamis ALL around the world???

Be MINDFUL .... many experts believe that it was VOLCANIC DUST that killed off the dinosaurs, who lurched around here on earth MILLIONS of years longer than man has ever been here. We are a small speck on the total timeline of this planet, and the dinosaurs were on this planet ten times longer than man has been TO DATE!

This volanic deal is MAJOR, too! We have health experts here in the USA debating how high a risk this ash will be when it settles to the earth, being breathed by all.

A significant number of health experts here say that there will be many deaths as as a result of significant pulmonary complications caused by this falling ash. And what goes around comes around. We expect the ash to affect us here, too.

Our planet is really much more fragile than many believe. Just a few signficant nuclear bombs being detonated long-term could kill off most live in the world, due not to the impact of the explosion but the subsequent debris in the atmosphere and increased radiation. Persons yet suffer and die from the incident at Chernobyl in the Ukraine in December 1995. That is MINOR compared to the deadly results just a few atomic bombs going off would render our delicate ecosystem.

THEN there is all this continued experimentation with the earth's ionosphere by a number of projects run by governments around the world, shooting HUGE beams of super MEGA strong electro-magnetic energy into our atmosphere. The most powerful such project is located in the USA in remote Alaska and it is called the HAARP Project.

I have written here about HAARP here before and was soundly rejected, yet an increasing number of meterological and physical scientists are taking a second look at such projects, now run by the militaries all around the world. It is believed by a growing number of experts that these huge blasts of astronomically strong electro-magnetic "bullets" into our earth's ionosphere is causing signficant disruptions in our skies and ON our earth...including major hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes and now long dormant volcanic activity.

Laugh your AZZ off and BALK as you will, there has been a quantum LEAP of such major meterological events in the last six years or so, all the while as the USA continues to RAMP up more and more "electro-magnetic bullets" blasted up into our atmosphere from this HAARP Project along with other such facilities around the world.

Check it out here, this is NOT BS, this is REAL and it is in my opinion NOT GOOD...and I think that it will result in major catastrophe for PLANET EARTH and for ALL OF US, including YOU.
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After reading this I did very quick research. Of the worlds largest volcanic eruptions and of the worlds deadliest volcanic eruptions combined only 5 have happened since the end of WWII. Scores upon scores happened long before man had the ability to fly, let alone conduct HAARP projects.
There is no real consensus among volcanologists on how to define an "active" volcano. The lifespan of a volcano can vary from months to several million years, making such a distinction sometimes meaningless when compared to the lifespans of humans or even civilizations. For example, many of Earth's volcanoes have erupted dozens of times in the past few thousand years but are not currently showing signs of eruption. Given the long lifespan of such volcanoes, they are very active. By human lifespans, however, they are not.
The same can be said of Eartquakes, Tsunamis etc.
Is it because of HAARP?????