The People Behind CDG ♥ NEW YEARS SPECIAL ♥


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Ever wondered where all those brutal photos of dead bodies in good resolution come from?

Now in this New Year's special we give you a an inside look of the lives of some of the dudes behind CDG.

Believe it or not these Ruskies are all crime scene investigators and have supplied cdg with lots of interesting cases.

They are themselves cute and would make awesome corpses.


Some of the most amazing corpse pictures - both of young men and women - come from their cameras. They are more willing to share while morgue workers have turned me down every time I ask for a pic.


For security reasons we can't reveal their identity and location, a few pics are allowed though, to see what beautiful young men work behind the stuff on CDG :)

Happy new year guys and I hope you share more fantastic stuff in the new year!

They are all so handsome and fit, you couldn't tell they work with dead bodies.


This cute guy has made several fantastic shots of corpses....and some not so fantastic rotten bodies. He doesn't even wear a mask.

Married, with a baby daughter.

His photos have spread from our website to numerous other gore boards and have generated huge threads on forums, particularly because of their brutality, cuteness of the victims and their young age.

From now on their content will be protected and posted only in the Secret Room.
They are great cute alive guys and it is encouraging to know that they offer gifts of sharing their views of world that we would not otherwise get to see.
Good to meet them. I am ready (almost) for my close up, tell them.