My sister's boyfriend has finally found a job


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
After months of searching....poor fucker didn't leave his home.

He will works as jurisconsult for a leading science institute.

His pay will be $308 a month (204 euros). Worse still the institute has a budget deficit and projections show they won't be able to pay salaries to their staff by May.

How, tell me how is this possible in an country in the EU?

Also, he doesn't have his own place and will have to rent an apartment for 100 euros a month - half his salary. When he pays the bills he will have nothing left for food let alone other expanses.

That is how people in Bulgaria are driven to starvation.

Thats how I was too - I had no money left even I was working seven days a week and on public holidays.

I feel so sad sometimes it isn't real.

I think he won't last on that job.
Wow, its hard to find a job here too. My son has been looking for over a year. He has a felony on his record, so that isnt helping him at all.
He is 20. A few weeks before he turned 18 he took his dads gun, He had almost a 1/4 pound

of weed on him, and was hanging around an apartment building with a group of kids Security

guard wanted to know what they were doing. All the kids ran, but he got caught. No... we did

not know he had the gun, or the weed. come to find out he had grew the weed on our

property. It cost us 6,000.00 dollars to get him a lawyer. His grandpa paid for it, we paid him

back. He is always getting in trouble.
I am sorry, sounds like you have had your share of "family problems".

Is he cute?

If he dies will you post his death photos for us?
Yeah, he is cute,, I do have a bad feeling he will die before I do, he has already come real close. He had a packing rod to a canyon go through his neck. He had to be airlifted to the nearest trauma hospital, they called in a chaplin to help us deal with his death, just in case.

Then he had a firecracker blow up in his hand a few years later. If he is not in trouble, he is getting hurt. Damn kids.
All moms fear their sons are gonna die before them, its a parent's worst nightmare.

He will be fine if he is healthy, accidents happen from time to time.

When I was 19 lived away from my parents in another city. Some woman told mom lots of young guys have died recently of drug overdoses.

One day I came to visit and at the door she started undressing me and checking my arms for signs of needle holes etc.

It was hilarious. She was so freaked out I was a drug addict while in fact I never touched any of this shit just smoked pot with friends.