[PHOTOS] Winter storm Juno shuts down NYC


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
The city that never sleeps was rendered a ghost town by one of the most powerful blizzards in US history.

60cm (24in) of snow is forecast.

It's not "sleep" like back in 2003. This is more like.... nap.

Back 2003 Biggest east coast blackout. I was in one of those state that blackout. New York City was without power for few hours. It's "SLEEP!" I was in Lansing, Michigan. I remember I was work at Meijer (one of major store like wal mart) Light was flicking then went out. Everything stopped. Cashier went down. People cant shopping anything. My boss called me for help tights up security on electric section like TV, radio etc. I will never forget what I saw during blackout. I was stand by as human chain with number employment. Boss order us to not unchain for help anyone who get injury front you. But, I'm deaf. All I was follow around and She points me there. She starts blah blah blah blah blah for like 5 or 8 min to giving order. I don't understand what she said. Nobody write down tell me to not help. So, During people start getting out of control. I watched old elder woman push cart have few food in it. About dozen teenage brutal beating woman to steal food and water and her purse. I was unchained. everyone (employment) grab me. I force myself to break chain to help her. I found her bleed. I turn my head looks back at human chain. Next thing I know brutal teenage attack them. I break chain cause they was able to storm though to steal TV, Radio, Everything electric.

Anyway.... Did I get fired? Yep. I sued them. For not make it clear. All they did points me at the spot. I won the court. I got job back. They try so hard find reason to fire me again. I work there other 2 more year before I quit. Because boss being asshole way too asshole.