Your donations saved me from starvation


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Hey guys, thanks for your support for me and the forum. The "save the forum and the admin" campaign is ongoing.

:sm (59):

Your donations saved me from starvation...for now. At least I will have energy to sarch for a job and maintain the site.

I hadn't had a proper meal in days and I felt dizzy. I skipped breakfast first than started skipping dinner and eventually I started skipping all meals because I didn't have enough money.

I only had tap water and green tea.

My parents, my sister and my friends know that I don't have money and they don't care. They won't even call me to ask how I am doing.

I apply for every job I find available, including selling cakes at an open market.

If they take me I will earn 1$ an hour but much better than begging people for help on the internet.

If I fail to find a job next week I will start morgue work disgusting as it is.

Cute Dead Guys is site dealing with corpses but corpses and necrophilia saved my fucking life.

Never imagined this could happen. Never.

There is a high risk that the site will close in May if I don't get enough money to pay my bills.

So I am not starving and I thank you for that but the future of the site is still at risk.

If you think "I am not sending money to that sick fuck meatpie" we will all be sorry when we lose our unique site.

Send me some money if you have, even a small sum wil help me a lot to get back on track.

There are no free meals here for poor people or unemployment benefits like you guys have in the US.

I saw on CNN that they give food to people starving in the US but not here.

PM me if you want to help me out pull of this fucking crisis and continue my life as normal.

I will give you my bank account details or if this is not convenient I have applied for a PayPal account which should be ready in ten days.

Donation is simple, and doesn't require any personal details. Users from the US say banks there charge fees for money transfer so if you don't want to pay the banks you can use PayPal which I hope will be active soon.

If you decide not to help and wait for others to give the money the forum dies, and I may have to croak too, not from illness but from poverty. :sm (47):

An extreme option for me will be to make cdg entirely a pay site. That would be awful but in times of crisis we resort to desperate measures.

Hope we never come to that.
I thought all European countries had some form of social security now! In UK anyone out of work (or in work on very low wages and with commitments) can get benefits of some sort - it's bureaucratic and not generous, but it's enough to survive on.
Bulgaria is not an European country.

What hurts me most is that my family - mom, dad sister absolutely don't care.

They know I am unemployed and have no money and they won't even call to ask if I am alive or have bread.

Thats just devastating.

This is the reason dantlef why when people from Eastern Europe come to the UK and start to mob, kill and steal - its a barbaric country.

Watch if you care how these disabled children are dying in Bulgaria from hunger.

And this is a country in the EU?