Which type of necro do you belong ro?

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Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Read the short decriptions and decide which class you belong to then take part in our poll

Type 1
Role players

Do not want to have sex with a dead person. Enjoy sex with a living person pretending to be dead.

Type 2
Romantic necrophiles

Bereaved people, who would mummify a part of the body of their recently departed loved ones, and keep it with them in order to get a psychosexual stimulation. Would not show a similar interest in any other dead body, i.e. body of a person with whom they were not romantically involved in life.

Type 3
Necrophilic fantasizers

Fantasize intercourse with the dead. May visit cemeteries and funeral parlors and may masturbate in the presence of the dead.

Type 4
Tactile necrophiles

Interest in dead bodies increases to the level of touching them. Like to stroke erotic parts of a dead body, such as breasts, May manipulate sexual organs of the dead in order to get an orgasm.

Type 5
Fetishistic necrophiles

Cut up parts of a dead body - say a breast - mummify it, and keep it in their possession to use it as a fetish for their necrophilic activities. Differ from Class II necrophiles in the sense that they (Class V) do it with the bodies of strangers with whom they held no romantic relationship in life. Thus they do not merely fill a psychosexual vacuum left by the death of their loved ones.

Type 6

Interest in dead bodies is more than merely touching them. Necrophilic pleasure comes from mutilating a dead body.

Type 7
Opportunistic necrophiles

Actual sexual activity with the dead starts from this class. Normally, these necrophiles would be content to have sexual intercouse with the living, but if an opportunity arose, would not refrain from having sexual intercourse with the dead. Necrophilic mortuary attendants belong to this class.

Type 8
Regular necrophiles

The so-called “classic” necrophiles. They do not enjoy sexual intercourse with the living and prefer dead bodies for intercourse. They can however have sex with both living and dead persons. In this sense they differ from Class X necrophiles, who can have sex only with dead persons.

Type 9
Homicidal necrophiles

This penultimate category is the most dangerous of all, in the sense that they would kill a person in order to have intercourse with him or her. They are however capable of having sexual intercourse with the living, but the need for sexual intercourse with the dead is so great that they must kill human beings in order to have sexual intercourse with their dead bodies.

Type 10
Exclusive necrophiles

Sexual intercourse is possible only with the dead, with the complete exclusion of living partners.

For a detailed desciption of each class and discussion of cases click here.
I am surprised how many voted for just players. :pass out:
Great work Meatpie, hope people will be honest in their answers.
I chose type 6 because I have a fascination with skinning a beautiful lean muscular body.
My ideal job would be dissecting corpses so that they could be displayed ,as in the Bodyworlds exhibitions.
However,if I could escape detection I woutld be tempted by the idea of hanging a suitably attractive victim to death,I think to qualify for hanging the victim would have to have intended to do me harm,otherwise I couldn`t justify the act to myself.(In the event that this reply is being `monitored` somewhere I would like to piont out that I know that I would have no chance of avioding detection,and do value human life).
I am a bit intoxicated,so have been a bit more open than usual.
very good I liked the article, I think I fit this into a profile. thanks for posting.
this makes me really happy to see nobody is a class 9 (homicidial) because i can't get the idea out of my head that however great it would be to meet another necro in my city that there's a possibility he would murder me :S to be fair, i am pretty ocd and have anxiety issues so even going over to another guy's house for regular sex scares me lol
I guess none haha. Nothing fit me. I won't have sex with dead people on any level. I'm a little relieved tbh.
I am Type 2~4, I guess, not really sure... hm.