I finally applied for a morgue job


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
I tired taking up a job at a funeral home but they never called me after I send them my application.

My real passion is morgue.

So I gathered courage and met teachers from the medical university here and I told them I was looking for a morgue job.

One dude responded and said he will call me this or next week, they will probably invite me to a job interview.

I will be a Diener (morgue attendant). I will undergo training and they said only serious and responsible people were accepted.

I send them my CV and motivation letter and I am waiting for a reply.

I hate my current job and will be more than happy to tell my boss I quit.

Unfortunately, I think I will fail again but I will keep on trying.

If they take me, that would be a dream come true for me.
Well, I sure hope you get it -I think it will definately make you a more content individual. And who knows - you might find out that you don't like dead guys after all - you know, like when people get to meet their heros and are disappointed. I know I couldn't do it. I don't think I could strip and wash a female corpse :sm (54): Or deal with a smelly, rotten corpse of either gender. But either way, best of luck ..:sm (55):
Pussy will be hard I admit.

I DO like dead young guys.
I saw an ad in our local paper for an opening at a funeral home. I called to see about putting in an application. They said that they had received so many calls that they were no longer taking applications. I wrote from time to time to a lady who worked in a morgue. She liked morgue work over funeral homes because she said a bigger variety of corpses came in. She had also worked in the morgue of a large hospital, which she said that she liked. Her interest were the female corpses. And at the morgue, she got some young ones. But of course, she had to work with the males that came in too.
Hi Ron, awesome about the morgue lady.

She could help you in the business.

Do you prefer morgue or funeral home?
morgue job

The lady lived out west a I lost contact with her. But I did get to know a guy in New York who worked in a funeral home. He then moved to Florida where I live and was only about 90 minutes away. He said that when he got settled into a new job, he would invite me over for some late night fun. He had described what he like to do with the males. I was shocked when I picked up my morning newspaper to learn he had been arrested. He had been talking on the phone with another man and he would describe how he would like to kill a guy and use his body for sex. He had also told me the same thing. but this other guy told the police and they secretly recorded his conversations. But was this just his fantasy, or maybe something he was actually planning? I am not sure. That was my chane to play with some bodies, and I lost it! I would like the morgue better, I think, because of what that woman told me. Better variety. Here in Florida, you would get mostly older bodies at a funeral home. But even a funeral home job would be nice.
I guess he went too far. Killing is not the way to do it, enough young guys die in car wrecks and other accidents already.

I think you have a good chance of taking up your dream job, America is a big country.

Here my chances are small but I will push on, see what happens.

I will wait and not call them as not to appear suspicious.
yes, that is what I thought. why think about killing when he can get plenty of bodies otherwise. I know what you mean about appearing too suspicious. I was afraid that I was going to look to eager just by calling about that funeral home job.
sorry guys, having sex with a dead body in a morgue or a funeral house or any places is still illegal in most countries, just don't get caught! unless the dead person is your partner and you do it in your house.

Be very careful and good luck!
lol, sex with dead people in your own house is illegal too. :)
WAHOO, PieMan, hopin' the BEST fer YOUS, oh ya-YAH, yous SHURES BETTCHAS !!

keep at it, Pie, u will land a job YET in a morgue, specialize in young, ripe, rank, primal WASTED ga-GUYZ, oh yah, YOUS can DO IT...just NOES u can, OH ya-YAAAAAAH !!

:sm (32)::sm (31)::sm (52)::sm (15)::sm (45)::sm (28)::sm (28):
I tired taking up a job at a funeral home but they never called me after I send them my application.

My real passion is morgue.

So I gathered courage and met teachers from the medical university here and I told them I was looking for a morgue job.

One dude responded and said he will call me this or next week, they will probably invite me to a job interview.

I will be a Diener (morgue attendant). I will undergo training and they said only serious and responsible people were accepted.

I send them my CV and motivation letter and I am waiting for a reply.

I hate my current job and will be more than happy to tell my boss I quit.

Unfortunately, I think I will fail again but I will keep on trying.

If they take me, that would be a dream come true for me.

just wait til they catch you sucking a cute dead cock

I almost gave up on the idea after I had to wait for more than two weeks to get a resposne.

Finally, they contacted me today, saying they have received my application but that I will need recommendations. :(

A friend will recommend me to the chief lady responsible for the morgue personnel.

Oh wow if they hire me that would be like a dream come true for me.

Unfortunately I will have to wait a few more weeks until they make a selection and prepare some fucking documents. Then training.

So I am not there yet.

But big progress in my opinion.

Please guys wish me luck! You will all benefit if I get the job.


Please God help me fulfil my dream, I so love dead guys.
good luck meatpie! im sure everything its gonna turn excellent for you! =D