
Forum Resident
Sep 8, 2009
Should it be against the law to circumcise a child against their will? This happens to babies, and when they get older I heard that they wish they were not cut. Some consider it mutilation.
YES! That's one thing we can learn from the rest of the world! Absolutely not necessary under normal circumstances!
San Francisco is proposing a law that makes circumcision illegal without consent of the person being cut. Supporters of the law said that it can be very harmful psychologically to men who are circumcised as babies when they get older. Jewish and Muslim groups are protesting this because circumcision is part of their religion.
Try having it done when you're five years old & wondering why "they chopped off your cock"; I do know that's just one of the reasons I'm a little different . . . (and tonsils out at the same time!) The Jews and Muslims should have the courtesy to let the "body holder" decide what he wants done with it!
Circumcision is a deep rooted religious ritual. It was originally performed to make it easier to keep the penis clean which prevented painful infections. Back during biblical times, people didn't wash too often. Consequently, moisture and dead skin cells would accumulate under the foreskin and create a place for bacteria and fungus to grow. It became a ritual to circumcise after religious leaders realized the benefits and ordered it to be done to all male infants.

Like so many religious rituals, people forget about why and instead insist it must be done to please their deity even though it is no long necessary because people wash themselves regularly. Its hard to fight blind faith and ignorance.
Snerdguy speaks a lot of sense! I'd add that, as well as the practical reasons under those conditions, I'm sure there was psychological element - that urge that most human groups have (especially if they feel outnumbered or threatened) to define themselves as similar to each other but different from the other groups around.
I was circumcised as a baby, and very much wish i hadn't been - as well as wishing I had a nice uncut cock, there is that pychological effect (though I wouldn't call it 'traumatic' for me - that would be exaggerating).
But I don't think we should force our views on those Jews or Muslims for whom it is a deeply-held part of their religion and identity - maybe the solution is to require any parents who want their child to be circumcised to get a certiciate signed by them and their rabbi, imam, or doctor to say that it is essential for religious or medical reasons?
Incidentally, not all Jews regard it as essential - some liberal Jews do not see it as necessary. And occasionally there are good medical reasons - for example if the foreskin is painfully tight.
I wish I was'nt circumcised... its like a rite of manhood in my country and anybody who's uncircumcise will undergo a terrible taunting from boys their age and also from adults.. stupid people!
circumcision is stupid, unless absolutely necessary for medical reasons,
fuck the religious shit,
jews/muslims & alot of buddhists, christians & non religious ppl alsp, circumcise.
let the boy decide, when he is an adult,
leave his foreskin alone.