5.2 Earthquake in the Aegean Sea is felt by Meatpie as far away as Sofia


Staff member
Oct 7, 2008
Yesterday while I was browsing the forum there was a strong eartquake in the Aegean around 23:59 local.

I felt slight nausea as it swung the building back and forth and dangling objects moved from side to side. Dogs started barking like crazy.

The epicentre is in the Aegean, some 300 km south-east from Sofia.

Some people in Istanbul and in some Greek cities have reportedly left their homes in panic.

Its unusual for earthquakes in Greece or Turkey to be felt as far away as Sofia, thats hundreds of kilomtres away.

Southern Bulgarian cities experienced shaking as well.


On November 15, a 4.0 earthquake struck directly beneath Sofia, panicking sleepy residents.



The earthquake in November was directly under the capital. We heard a loud boom, then a sudden jolt, then shaking.

The walls moved visibly to one side, as if about to fall.

This is typical for places near the epicentre.

Yesterday's earthquake had no sound affects and because it was far away it felt like a swinging boat - from side to side.

Interestingly, I felt very nauseous as if about to faint and puke.

I don't know why. At first I thought my body was the problem then I saw objects swing in my room.

Not pleasant at all.

The most terrifying earthquake in my life was the 1999 earthquake in Turkey.

It was magnitude 7.3.

I was unlucky enough to be at a beach resort at the southern tip of the Black Sea, near the border with Turkey.

It struck at in the middle of the night - 3 am.

I had never experienced an earthquake before. It was so violent, beds and furniture moved, water in bottles splashed.

It went on and on for 40 sec.

I slept outside the hotel with a blanket like a refugee.


All this is nothing compared to the Indian Ocean Disaster of 2004 where violent shaking was experienced for 9 fucking minutes, esp on Sumatra close to the epicentre it was 9.2 and very destructive.

You can see clips of the moment it struck on YouTube.

People were so shocked they held to each other, many fell to the ground and lay down until it passed.

In less than 15 min waves of up to 30 metres struck the coast.

Absolute devastation, I would have been scared shitless.

Horrible feeling it is...

I felt only an earthquake once, it was 3.4 on the Richter scale.....

We live in a stable country....not much in earthquake zones or volcanoes....

Are you ok now?
Perhaprs I should seriously consider moving to the Netherlands then.

We will play dead day and night.

Yeah I am fine man, thanks. I wonder what it would be like when the big one hits.

Tell us more about your earthquake experience, where were you, what time it was?

All this earthquake activity in Greece and Turkey is because Africa is pushing up against Europe.

One day, the Balkans will stand higher then Everest.

No power on earth is stronger then plate tectonics. Tornados and hurricanes are like a breeze compared with the energy released in an earthquake for example.

They are so devastating because a huge amount of energy is released in a matter of seconds.

This pie chart shows how the total seismic moment released by earthquakes over the period 1906-2005 was distributed, with the largest individual earthquakes (left side) and groups of earthquakes (right side). The thin sliver of the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake is also depicted for comparison purposes. Mwmoment magnitude scale. designates an earthquake's magnitude on the
Richard Aster (New Mexico Tech) created this figure using the resources of the IRIS Consortium and the USGS. Additional data was generously provided by Lynn Sykes of Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Columbia University.
Earthquakes referenced in this chart:


It happened at night, and I was 14 years old. I heard everything rambling and moving, but it was over in about 5 seconds. No damage done, but I was pretty scared not knowing where it came from....
If you heard a rumbling sound that means you were pretty close to the epicentre.

Was this in Breda?